August 26, 2010

Fish Fry Fly! (short story)

In Sky City, to breathe is to fly.

I was going to take a tour through the official Montgolfier tour-ship, but my friend, who was also conveniently a local "big-shot", insisted on getting the "real feel", so...Well, here I am.

This is my first time with a personalized flighter, so my friend is helping me off the ground. We start at the 15th floor of a skyscraper, an impressive height for all newbies alike.

I look down, and instantly I understand how it feels when a baby takes its first breath. To be truthful, it's breathtaking.

He suddenly jumps off to launches his flighter. I jump off hastily, after him. As if he wanted to make me learn in stress, he immediately unloads both the handlebar and the foot rest, creating a box around him. Of course, I follow suit. We are free-falling now, and I feel my stomach twist and turn. He, on the other hand, just confidently carries on.

He looks at me and winks. I force a smile back. Just behind him, his hand is pointing at a greenish lever right beside him. I look around, and just as he motioned, a lever dangles. He then motions with big hand gestures: 3! 2! 1! Pltt.

The originally negligible wings suddenly spread wide on both of our backs, pulling us backwards. The handlebar, on the other hand, crashes on my chest and I struggle for breath, panting heavily. Seeing this, my friend laughs, almost falling off his flighter. I must have looked funny.

Then, I look forward...

I lost my breath again. But this time, it's not because of the handlebar. The sight, is just... beyond description. It's as if the law of gravity was forgotten. There are zeppelins everywhere, in longitude AND in latitude. The scene resembled those old thermometers where different colored liquids floated in variance underwater, Except these puffy little vehicles range from little balloons selling hot cross buns to Gigantic fish-like structures selling... whatever they sell. I think the best thing, though, are those little puffs of clouds that at times dot the sky, making it feel almost surreal.

Suddenly, I notice a humming noise at my back, and I stare back. My friend, laughs a little bit more and explains to me: "Those, are solar engines. It's what's keeping you up. Don't damage them~!"

No. Way. Those little silvery metal things CANNOT be the things holding me up. But then, Who knows? It has been a WHILE since the first solar engine was made. For all I know they'd made smaller.

We wait a little while to get me familiar, then like the wind... with the wind, he darts across the sky.

I follow closely. Feeling a little bit confused, I inquire where we are going...

"Fish Fry Fly!"
"Wait, what?"
"Just follow me. Come on!"
"Oh, you'll thank me for this, Mr. Reporter. This will be the best scoop of your LIFE."

Amerikrat:Customs (short story)


    A quiet boy with a ruffled sack walked up to the customs office. He took out his papers and put it on the counter. It was instantly snatched away.

    "You's From Sky City, eh?" snickered the fat man behind the civic counter as he checked the young man's credentials. "Ha! Why didn't you's fly over the wall with your little flimsy whatchamacallits...flighters, right. Them flighters."
    The young man just stood there in silence. The guard, not satisfied with the retort, or rather the lack of it, just humphed and continued on...

    "A Reporter, eh? You knows that them reporters and media persons are forbiddened here, right? You'd gonna need'a get another job. And TRUST ME, you gonna have a hard time tryin' to find one." He said, unconsciously rubbing his silver hammer and chisel pin he received upon his promotion into a customs officer. As a nobody who struggled his way to this high, he personally knew how hard it was to find a job in the city without proper credentials, let alone a stranger.

    Again, the youth just stared down silently. The guard sighed. By then he is starting to pity him a little.
    "Y'know ya can still head back, right? The you's not officially technically in the city until customs. And tellya a little secret... the ride counts only 'til you go inside city grounds, so yer ticket's still valid. You sure ya still wanna stay? In the city, I mean."

    The guard waited for a response. Slowly, he lift his eyes to meet the guard's, then, as if his spirit was previously absent and had just been returned to him, he opened his mouth. With a low but almost youthful voice, he returned...

    "Thank you for the warning, but I'm afraid lost something very precious to me, that's why I need to go in the city."

    "Okeys then. Here ya go." He said as he handed back the papers to the young man. "Have a safe trip, boy!"

    "Thank you, my friend." replied the youth as he fumbled to stuff his paper back in his sack. The guard looked on, curiously.

    "Hey, kid."

    "?" The youth looked back.

    "What, by chance, did ya lose during your travels? 'Cause y'know, we have a p-pretty large Lost and Found office on the back and stuff..."

    He expected something sour, like the others before, but instead, the kid just smiled the widest smile at the guard, as if to say "thanks, but it's not that simple", and walked on, leaving a dazed guard behind.

    What a strange kid... The guard thought happily, a smile still in his face... I could use some of that

    Then, back to reality. The guard readied himself to the next stranger.

This is a small narration of the main character Ethan's past. He's from Sky City, y'know =)

An Enlightened Revolution (song)

An Enlightened Revolution

Hey, Lov-a-lies!~
Don't you ever wonder what's become of~
This place~
It's a hell here, ba-by~
Don't you think you and me and everyone should~
But we can't~
No, we can't~
'Cause we're stuck here, you and me, baby~

So light up our torches~
Brandish those forks~
It's all a big lie!
A big Hollywood show~ for you
Oh, America, baby, what have you become!
Let us change for you, my Big Brothers~
You in, or not?
It's an enlightened revolution, (hey Big Brothers~)
Baby, you in or not?

Where are we now!
Don't you ever wonder how we survived in this~
Chaos~ (What a mess here!)
But love, don't you think~
We progressed too little too far, one step forward, two steps~
But we won't~
No we won't~ (we won't my darling)
No we won't, never ever gonna give you up~

So light up our torches~
Brandish those forks~
It's all a big lie!
A big Hollywood show~ for you
Oh, America, baby, what have you become!
Let us change for you, my Big Brothers~
You in, or not?
It's an enlightened revolution, (hey Big Brothers~)
Baby, you in or not?
Baby, you in or not?
Baby, you in or not!

Sans Limits
Order within Disorder
Anarchial Ideal

The six aspects (and totally my own opinion) of Anarchy. Very popular in the contemperary times of Amerikrat =/ At least in the "Free" parts. Anyways too much spoilers XD Here's the song. Enjoy

This song and its band is completely fabricated and if matches something, I'm sorry it was by accident. Though if you want to make a band called that and give a tune to this song, you are more than welcome to =) Again just inform me and send me the results, cuz I really want to know XD.

Prologue: Vestal Square (Comic)

The Original Launch Comments:

This particular one is called Amerikrat. I have decided that ALL my stories will be set in 1 city.

And I shall name it... The City.

That's my Reporter, standing at the Triple Point Wall, where The Jove (entertainment) District, Venera(middle class) District and Arai (slums) District meet. From afar you can see the city hall in "The City of Two Towers", or in the context the Uranei. Further down the walls are The Riviera, the frontiers of development and the setting of "When Worlds Collide". "Classic Antiquities" takes place in Pellene (Educational) district, furthur up. And yes, the awesome part is the there are Zeppelins.


>And Daniel Sos(bthrnu...betnt... or whatever)
or someone good at photoshop/editor, can you help me clean it and like make it better looking and stuff? cuz it'd be really nice if someone did... <

PS. Oh yes, there will be random 4-cut comic pages/stories about the main storylines or other side storylines, but Setting pictures will ALWAYS be full sheet. Like this one =)

P.S.S. The "wall behind the buildings" is a river, not a wall mind you

And yes, the Plot of Americrat starts with a "serious" Vandalizing crime

Edit: I decided to make the plot different now, so it's actually not the vandalizing crime anymore (sad face) but zeppelins (happy face)

Well. Here is the last page ending the prologue. Hope you enjoy this preview. I have decided, that like the Japanese, I will submit my work in Bundles and well, =/ Good luck to me. BTW if anyone likes to help me create a digitally remastered or even just better graphics, they free to do so, as long as they give me a link to it XD.

August 25, 2010

The Map of The City


This is the Downtown region of the City...

Neptunian Wharf and Harbour- The Historic Village-ish area for All Tourists alike.
St. Mercury Internation Landing Aeroport- duh, for landing Zepellins. =X
Pellene District- all the institutional and non-financial, non-governmental organizations flock here, this is also the learning district, with 1 main university and many more schools and post-secondary opportunities.
Vestal Square- The Official Exhibit Area of the City. The Red Carpet. There, it is cut into four section. The Historical Section of the Lower West Side, Windy Park on Lower East, 0 Vestal Square on Upper East and Little Community of Vestina on the Upper West.
Venera- The Residential Area, famed for the "Perfection"
Arai- The Residential Area, famed for, well, being a slum
The Plutocratic Autonomous Region (Plutonia)- The Rich, the famous and their excess materialism
Ceria & Ceria East- The Financial Region and the second oldest region. The place was cut in half when the Aeroport was made.
Uranei- The Governmental District, where all government and Civic Consuls, Civic Senate and their residences are.

Not Shown:
Riviera Developemental Region- A developement project meant to "Reconquer the City" from the Arai slums.
The Walls- Reinforced and administered by the Wall Guards.
The Subways, three lines- Ceria Line, Vesta Line and Olympus/Temple Line. The last 5 stations of the temple line approaching Vesta St is closed due to Terrorist Bombings.

I hope everyone can see it XD I don't think I can... well I may make another one with better resolution... who knows? o.o

August 24, 2010

What is Americrat?

What is Amerikrat-0?

To my friend fetfet50,  is a sci-fi sensation. It will be, when he writes it. But to me, Amerikrat is a World, filled with intrigue and irony, so essentially, America. If you rather have the sci-fi aspect, then visit Amerikrat
I will remain Amerikrat-0, let there be two branches. Shall we start then?

Amerikrat-0, unlike Amerikrat, does not focus on 1 storyline. It is essentially about the world itself. The world of America.

The East and the West, had a war. The East lost, yet the race is proving more to be a double edged sword. Years of war gave some people insight about equality, gave others a sense of privilege. It quickly becomes civil war, a cold one, with cities instead of battlegrounds and public support as weapons.

Using the ideals of Equality and Fraternity as standards of their cause, they become two political camps. Elitist, Hedonistic Libertans and Authoritarian, Controlling Equivists. The Federal Government is politically divided, even though the country is united.

Along with technology that made ground traveling obsolete, America becomes a myriad of city-fortresses waiting to be fought. Each city is won, each city is lost, three cities of uncertainties remain. The Lofty Sky City with a scarred past, New York, whose wall-less city decided Freedom and lastly The City, the last undecided city in America.

This year is important for the city. The government, due to a scandal, changed its ranks dramatically, which excited enthusiasts on both sides. Furthermore, both the Zepellin fair AND the Zepellin Derby will be taking place here this year. It is their BIGGEST honour.

Yet. There is something else developing. Something rising out of the oppression of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Something more primal.


So this is Amerikrat. Kratos meaning to rule and America. Utopianism, Dystopianism and Anarchy.